L&B Redwood Utility Doors . FROM ONLY £110.00! + VAT Our range of external L&B redwood utility doors with T&G loose pinned construction, are the perfect choice for garden entrances, outbuildings and other utility rooms. These ledged and braced...
FL&B Redwood Utility Doors. Our range of external FL&B Redwood utility doors are manufactured using selected Redwood timber and feature a loose pinned T&G panel construction and are the perfect choice for workshops, gardens or utility rooms. FLB uti...
Red Deal FL&B Utility Doors. FROM ONLY £105.00! + VAT This range of external FL&B utility doors and manufactured from 15mm T&G boarding with 29mm ledges and braces and are ideal for outbuildings, sheds, and such like. These framed ledged and b...