LPD Solid White Primed Doors

LPD Solid White Primed Doors

    Showroom at King Edward Close Worthing
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 LPD Solid White Primed Doors

LPD Solid White Primed Hardwood Doors

The range of white primed solid doors from LPD is a collection of premium quality heavy duty Hardwood doors with modern clean crisp styling ready for final finishing and certainly worthy of consideration.

To cater for the full spectrum of personal taste from the traditional to contemporary, LPD Doors have introduced several new solid primed doors and glazed primed doors featuring clear, frosted, silkscreen printed and leaded safety glass.

LPD solid white primed doors are supplied with a premium quality factory primed finish that you will have difficulty believing the doors are not fully finished.

However impressed you will be with the quality of the factory primer coat it is essential and equally just to be on the safe side to fully validate the comprehensive LPD ten year warranty additional paint finish will need to be applied prior to the final hanging of the doors.
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12 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Clear Glazed Door 305 x 1981 x 35mm
305 x 1981 x 35mm Pre-Primed Clear Glazed Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 305mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing plenty...

Our Price: £120.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70961
18 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Clear Glass 457 x 1981 x 35mm
457 x 1981 x 35mm Clear Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 457mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorative be...

Our Price: £136.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70918
18 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Frosted Glass 457 x 1981 x 35mm
457 x 1981 x 35mm Obscure Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 457mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorati...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70928
21 x 78 4-Light Etched Glass White Primed Door 533 x 1981 x 35mm
533 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed 4-Light Etched Glass Door This timeless classic white primed 4-light door features etched glass with a clear framed border, that maintains privacy, whilst allowing plenty of light to flow from room-to-room. This door measures ...

Our Price: £210.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70941
21 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Clear Glass 533 x 1981 x 35mm
533 x 1981 x 35mm Clear Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 533mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorative be...

Our Price: £136.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70917
21 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Frosted Glass 533 x 1981 x 35mm
533 x 1981 x 35mm Obscure Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 533mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorati...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70927
24 x 78 4-Light Etched Glass White Primed Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed 4-Light Etched Glass Door This timeless classic white primed 4-light door features etched glass with a clear framed border, that maintains privacy, whilst allowing plenty of light to flow from room-to-room. This door measures ...

Our Price: £210.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70940
24 x 78 Brooklyn 2-Panel White Primed Solid Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm Brooklyn 2-Panel Door This white primed Brooklyn door is a solid core door that measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic 2-panel stile and rail design features a large top panel and smaller bottom panel, creati...

Our Price: £187.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70875
24 x 78 Canterbury 4 Panel White Primed Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35 mm Solid White Primed 4 Panel Canterbury Door This white primed Canterbury door is a solid core door that measures 610 mm wide x 1981 mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic stile and rail design with 4 raised and fielded panels and trad...

Our Price: £175.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62781
24 x 78 Downham White Primed Clear Bevelled Glass Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm Downham Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Downham door, is a best-selling door, featuring a traditional 9-light design with slender glazing bars and Ovolo beading, that delicately frames your view, and provid...

Our Price: £228.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 68864
24 x 78 Lincoln White Primed Clear Glazed Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed Lincoln Door Clear Glass This white primed clear glazed Lincoln door is a timeless classic 3-panel design, featuring two full length thin mullions with decorative Ovolo beading, and measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 milli...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63814
24 x 78 Lincoln White Primed Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm Solid White Primed Lincoln Door This white primed Lincoln door is a solid core door that measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This 3-panel door features a full size flat centre panel separated by thin full length mulli...

Our Price: £134.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63831
24 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm Solid White Primed Pattern 10 Shaker Door This white primed Pattern 10 door is a solid core door measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This Shaker design 1 panel door features a large flat centre panel with traditional ...

Our Price: £108.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63846
24 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Clear Glass 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm Clear Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorative be...

Our Price: £136.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63811
24 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Frosted Glass 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm Obscure Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorati...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70926
24 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Clear Glazed Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm Pre-Primed Clear Glazed Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing plenty...

Our Price: £120.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 65398
24 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Frosted Glass Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm Pre-Primed Frosted Glass Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing pl...

Our Price: £138.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70959
24 x 78 Regency 6-Panel White Primed Solid Door 610 x 1981 x 35mm
610 x 1981 x 35mm 6-Panel White Primed Door This 6-panel white primed solid core door measures 610mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This traditional 6-panel stile and rail design, inspired by the Regency period doors, features a fresh look, with ...

Our Price: £166.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62774
27 x 78 4-Light Etched Glass White Primed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed 4-Light Etched Glass Door This timeless classic white primed 4-light door features etched glass with a clear framed border, that maintains privacy, whilst allowing plenty of light to flow from room-to-room. This door measures ...

Our Price: £210.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62736
27 x 78 Brooklyn 2-Panel White Primed Solid Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Brooklyn 2-Panel Door This white primed Brooklyn door is a solid core door that measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic 2-panel stile and rail design features a large top panel and smaller bottom panel, creati...

Our Price: £187.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62768
27 x 78 Canterbury 4 Panel White Primed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35 mm Solid White Primed 4 Panel Canterbury Door This white primed Canterbury door is a solid core door that measures 686 mm wide x 1981 mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic stile and rail design with 4 raised and fielded panels and trad...

Our Price: £175.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62780
27 x 78 Canterbury 4 Panel White Primed FD30 Fire Door 686 x 1981 x 44mm
686 x 1981 x 44 mm White Primed 4 Panel Canterbury Fire Door This white primed Canterbury FD30 fire door is a solid core door that measures 686 mm wide x 1981 mm high x 44 millimetre thick. This classic stile and rail design with 4 raised and fielded panels...

Our Price: £294.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 66625
27 x 78 Canterbury White Primed 6-Light Glazed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm 6-Light White Primed Canterbury Door This clear glazed 6-light white primed Canterbury door measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a nicely proportioned classic six-light design with slender glazing bars, raised...

Our Price: £225.60 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62751
27 x 78 Dordogne White Primed Clear Glazed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed Dordogne Glazed Door This clear glazed white primed Dordogne door measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic T&G effect vertical 5-panel design is the glazed version of the original classic Dordogne ...

Our Price: £192.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61194
27 x 78 Downham White Primed Clear Bevelled Glass Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Downham Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Downham door, is a best-selling door, featuring a traditional 9-light design with slender glazing bars and Ovolo beading, that delicately frames your view, and provid...

Our Price: £228.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62731
27 x 78 Inch Malton White Primed Decorative Obscure ABE Leaded Glass Door 686 x 1981mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Malton Decorative Glass White Primed Door.
This Malton white primed door measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a traditional classic design, with a 2-lite glazing configuration and traditional Ovolo ...

Our Price: £312.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 71032
27 x 78 Inch Malton White Primed Unglazed Door 686 x 1981mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Malton Unglazed White Primed Door.
This Malton white primed door measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a traditional classic design, with a 2-lite glazing configuration and traditional Ovolo glazing ...

Our Price: £168.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 71030
27 x 78 Kent 2-Panel White Primed Solid Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Kent 2-Panel Door This white primed Kent door is a solid core door that measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This traditional 2-panel stile and rail design features a large swept head top panel over a smaller rectangula...

Our Price: £187.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62761
27 x 78 Kent Whit Primed 6-Light Clear Bevelled Glass Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Kent Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Kent door, is a traditional stile & rail six light design, with slender glazing bars, Ovolo beading, and clear bevelled glass that subtly frames your view, providing ple...

Our Price: £220.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62742
27 x 78 Lincoln White Primed Clear Glazed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed Lincoln Door Clear Glass This white primed clear glazed Lincoln door is a timeless classic 3-panel design, featuring two full length thin mullions with decorative Ovolo beading, and measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 milli...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63815
27 x 78 Lincoln White Primed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Solid White Primed Lincoln Door This white primed Lincoln door is a solid core door that measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This 3-panel door features a full size flat centre panel separated by thin full length mulli...

Our Price: £134.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63830
27 x 78 Lincoln White Primed FD30 Fire Door 686 x 1981 x 44mm
686 x 1981 x 44mm Solid White Primed Lincoln Fire Door This white primed Lincoln FD30 fire door is a solid core door that measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetres thick. This 3-panel fire door features a full size flat centre panel separated by th...

Our Price: £220.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70817
27 x 78 Manhattan White Primed Clear Bevelled Glass Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Manhattan Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Manhattan door, is an ever popular door, featuring a traditional 9-light design with slender glazing bars and traditional Ovolo beading, that delicately frames your...

Our Price: £252.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 68268
27 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Solid White Primed Pattern 10 Shaker Door This white primed Pattern 10 door is a solid core door measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This Shaker design 1 panel door features a large flat centre panel with traditional ...

Our Price: £108.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63845
27 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Clear Glass 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Clear Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorative be...

Our Price: £136.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63810
27 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Frosted Glass 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Obscure Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorati...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70925
27 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed FD30 Fire Door 686 x 1981 x 44mm
686 x 1981 x 44mm Solid White Primed Pattern 10 Shaker Fire Door This white primed Pattern 10 FD30 fire door is a solid core door that measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetres thick. This Shaker design 1 panel fire door features a large flat centr...

Our Price: £190.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70805
27 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Clear Glazed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Pre-Primed Clear Glazed Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing plenty...

Our Price: £120.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 65399
27 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Clear Glazed FD30 Fire Door 686 x 1981 x 44mm
686 x 1981 x 44mm Pre-Primed Clear Glazed Pattern 10 Fire Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed FD30 fire door, measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetres thick. This clear glazed fire door features clear flat fire-rated glass with raised g...

Our Price: £720.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70968
27 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Frosted Glass Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Pre-Primed Frosted Glass Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing pl...

Our Price: £138.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 66748
27 x 78 Regency 6-Panel White Primed Solid Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm 6-Panel White Primed Door This 6-panel white primed solid core door measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This traditional 6-panel stile and rail design, inspired by the Regency period doors, features a fresh look, with ...

Our Price: £166.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62775
27 x 78 SA 15-Light White Primed Clear Glazed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed 15-Light SA Clear Glazed Door This clear glazed white primed 15-light Pattern SA door, is a tried and tested traditional design, featuring the classic 15-light fully glazed design with slender glazing bars, and the customary O...

Our Price: £192.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62788
27 x 78 Traditional 4 Panel Solid White Primed Door 686 x 1981 x 35mm
686 x 1981 x 35mm Traditional White Primed 4-Panel Door This traditional white primed 4-panel door is a solid core door that measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This traditionally inspired stile and rail design, features equally spaced ...

Our Price: £164.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62762
27 x 78 Traditional 4 Panel White Primed FD30 Fire Door 686 x 1981 x 44mm
686 x 1981 x 44mm Traditional White Primed 4-Panel Fire Door This traditional white primed 4-panel FD30 fire door measures 686mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetre thick. This traditionally inspired stile and rail design, features equally spaced midrails, a...

Our Price: £312.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 66632
30 x 78 4-Light Etched Glass White Primed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed 4-Light Etched Glass Door This timeless classic white primed 4-light door features etched glass with a clear framed border, that maintains privacy, whilst allowing plenty of light to flow from room-to-room. This door measures ...

Our Price: £210.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62735
30 x 78 Brooklyn 2-Panel White Primed Solid Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Brooklyn 2-Panel Door This white primed Brooklyn door is a solid core door that measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic 2-panel stile and rail design features a large top panel and smaller bottom panel, creati...

Our Price: £187.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62769
30 x 78 Canterbury 4 Panel White Primed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35 mm Solid White Primed 4 Panel Canterbury Door This white primed Canterbury door is a solid core door that measures 762 mm wide x 1981 mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic stile and rail design with 4 raised and fielded panels and trad...

Our Price: £175.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62779
30 x 78 Canterbury 4 Panel White Primed FD30 Fire Door 762 x 1981 x 44mm
762 x 1981 x 44 mm White Primed 4 Panel Canterbury Fire Door This white primed Canterbury FD30 fire door is a solid core door that measures 762 mm wide x 1981 mm high x 44 millimetre thick. This classic stile and rail design with 4 raised and fielded panels...

Our Price: £294.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 66626
30 x 78 Canterbury White Primed 6-Light Glazed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm 6-Light White Primed Canterbury Door This clear glazed 6-light white primed Canterbury door measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a nicely proportioned classic six-light design with slender glazing bars, raised...

Our Price: £225.60 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62753
30 x 78 Dordogne White Primed Clear Glazed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed Dordogne Glazed Door This clear glazed white primed Dordogne door measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic T&G effect vertical 5-panel design is the glazed version of the original classic Dordogne ...

Our Price: £192.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61193
30 x 78 Downham White Primed Clear Bevelled Glass Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Downham Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Downham door, is a best-selling door, featuring a traditional 9-light design with slender glazing bars and Ovolo beading, that delicately frames your view, and provid...

Our Price: £228.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62730
30 x 78 Inch Malton White Primed Decorative Obscure ABE Leaded Glass Door 762 x 1981mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Malton Decorative Glass White Primed Door.
This Malton white primed door measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a traditional classic design, with a 2-lite glazing configuration and traditional Ovolo ...

Our Price: £312.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 71031
30 x 78 Inch Malton White Primed Unglazed Door 762 x 1981mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Malton Unglazed White Primed Door.
This Malton white primed door measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a traditional classic design, with a 2-lite glazing configuration and traditional Ovolo glazing ...

Our Price: £168.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 71028
30 x 78 Kent 2-Panel White Primed Solid Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Kent 2-Panel Door This white primed Kent door is a solid core door that measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This traditional 2-panel stile and rail design features a large swept head top panel over a smaller rectangula...

Our Price: £187.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62760
30 x 78 Kent Whit Primed 6-Light Clear Bevelled Glass Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Kent Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Kent door, is a traditional stile & rail six light design, with slender glazing bars, Ovolo beading, and clear bevelled glass that subtly frames your view, providing ple...

Our Price: £220.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62741
30 x 78 Lincoln White Primed Clear Glazed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed Lincoln Door Clear Glass This white primed clear glazed Lincoln door is a timeless classic 3-panel design, featuring two full length thin mullions with decorative Ovolo beading, and measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 milli...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63816
30 x 78 Lincoln White Primed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Solid White Primed Lincoln Door This white primed Lincoln door is a solid core door that measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This 3-panel door features a full size flat centre panel separated by thin full length mulli...

Our Price: £134.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63829
30 x 78 Lincoln White Primed FD30 Fire Door 762 x 1981 x 44mm
762 x 1981 x 44mm Solid White Primed Lincoln Fire Door This white primed Lincoln FD30 fire door is a solid core door that measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetres thick. This 3-panel fire door features a full size flat centre panel separated by th...

Our Price: £220.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70816
30 x 78 Manhattan White Primed Clear Bevelled Glass Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Manhattan Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Manhattan door, is an ever popular door, featuring a traditional 9-light design with slender glazing bars and traditional Ovolo beading, that delicately frames your...

Our Price: £252.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 68123
30 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Solid White Primed Pattern 10 Shaker Door This white primed Pattern 10 door is a solid core door measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This Shaker design 1 panel door features a large flat centre panel with traditional ...

Our Price: £108.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63844
30 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Clear Glass 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Clear Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorative be...

Our Price: £136.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63809
30 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Frosted Glass 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Obscure Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorati...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70923
30 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed FD30 Fire Door 762 x 1981 x 44mm
762 x 1981 x 44mm Solid White Primed Pattern 10 Shaker Fire Door This white primed Pattern 10 FD30 fire door is a solid core door that measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetres thick. This Shaker design 1 panel fire door features a large flat centr...

Our Price: £190.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70804
30 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Clear Glazed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Pre-Primed Clear Glazed Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing plenty...

Our Price: £120.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 65400
30 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Clear Glazed FD30 Fire Door 762 x 1981 x 44mm
762 x 1981 x 44mm Pre-Primed Clear Glazed Pattern 10 Fire Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed FD30 fire door, measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetres thick. This clear glazed fire door features clear flat fire-rated glass with raised g...

Our Price: £720.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70966
30 x 78 Pattern 10 White Primed Frosted Glass Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Pre-Primed Frosted Glass Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing pl...

Our Price: £138.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 66749
30 x 78 Regency 6-Panel White Primed Solid Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm 6-Panel White Primed Door This 6-panel white primed solid core door measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This traditional 6-panel stile and rail design, inspired by the Regency period doors, features a fresh look, with ...

Our Price: £166.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62776
30 x 78 SA 15-Light White Primed Clear Glazed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed 15-Light SA Clear Glazed Door This clear glazed white primed 15-light Pattern SA door, is a tried and tested traditional design, featuring the classic 15-light fully glazed design with slender glazing bars, and the customary O...

Our Price: £192.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62787
30 x 78 Traditional 4 Panel Solid White Primed Door 762 x 1981 x 35mm
762 x 1981 x 35mm Traditional White Primed 4-Panel Door This traditional white primed 4-panel door is a solid core door that measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This traditionally inspired stile and rail design, features equally spaced ...

Our Price: £164.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62763
30 x 78 Traditional 4 Panel White Primed FD30 Fire Door 762 x 1981 x 44mm
762 x 1981 x 44mm Traditional White Primed 4-Panel Fire Door This traditional white primed 4-panel FD30 fire door measures 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetre thick. This traditionally inspired stile and rail design, features equally spaced midrails, a...

Our Price: £312.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 66633
32 x 80 4-Light Etched Glass White Primed Door 813 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm White Primed 4-Light Etched Glass Door This timeless classic white primed 4-light door features etched glass with a clear framed border, that maintains privacy, whilst allowing plenty of light to flow from room-to-room. This door measures ...

Our Price: £210.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70939
32 x 80 Downham White Primed Clear Bevelled Glass Door 813 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm Downham Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Downham door, is a best-selling door, featuring a traditional 9-light design with slender glazing bars and Ovolo beading, that delicately frames your view, and provid...

Our Price: £228.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 66642
32 x 80 Lincoln White Primed Clear Glazed Door 813 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm White Primed Lincoln Door Clear Glass This white primed clear glazed Lincoln door is a timeless classic 3-panel design, featuring two full length thin mullions with decorative Ovolo beading, and measures 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 35 milli...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63813
32 x 80 Lincoln White Primed Door 813 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm Solid White Primed Lincoln Door This white primed Lincoln door is a solid core door that measures 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This 3-panel door features a full size flat centre panel separated by thin full length mulli...

Our Price: £134.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63832
32 x 80 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door 813 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm Solid White Primed Pattern 10 Shaker Door This white primed Pattern 10 door is a solid core door measures 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This Shaker design 1 panel door features a large flat centre panel with traditional ...

Our Price: £108.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63847
32 x 80 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Clear Glass 812 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm Clear Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorative be...

Our Price: £136.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63812
32 x 80 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door Frosted Glass 813 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm Obscure Glazed Pattern 10 White Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features Shaker style square-cut stiles and rails without any decorati...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70924
32 x 80 Pattern 10 White Primed Clear Glazed Door 813 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm Pre-Primed Clear Glazed Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed door, measures 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This clear glazed door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing plenty...

Our Price: £120.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70962
32 x 80 Pattern 10 White Primed Clear Glazed FD30 Fire Door 813 x 2032 x 44mm
813 x 2032 x 44mm Pre-Primed Clear Glazed Pattern 10 Fire Door This white primed Pattern 10 clear glazed FD30 fire door, measures 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 44 millimetres thick. This clear glazed fire door features clear flat fire-rated glass with raised g...

Our Price: £720.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70967
32 x 80 Pattern 10 White Primed Frosted Glass Door 813 x 2032 x 35mm
813 x 2032 x 35mm Pre-Primed Frosted Glass Pattern 10 Door This white primed Pattern 10 obscure glazed door, measures 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This frosted glass door features square-cut stiles and rails without beading, providing pl...

Our Price: £138.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70960
33 x 78 4-Light Etched Glass White Primed Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed 4-Light Etched Glass Door This timeless classic white primed 4-light door features etched glass with a clear framed border, that maintains privacy, whilst allowing plenty of light to flow from room-to-room. This door measures ...

Our Price: £210.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62734
33 x 78 Brooklyn 2-Panel White Primed Solid Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Brooklyn 2-Panel Door This white primed Brooklyn door is a solid core door that measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic 2-panel stile and rail design features a large top panel and smaller bottom panel, creati...

Our Price: £187.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62770
33 x 78 Canterbury 4 Panel White Primed Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35 mm Solid White Primed 4 Panel Canterbury Door This white primed Canterbury door is a solid core door that measures 838 mm wide x 1981 mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic stile and rail design with 4 raised and fielded panels and trad...

Our Price: £164.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62778
33 x 78 Canterbury 4 Panel White Primed FD30 Fire Door 838 x 1981 x 44mm
838 x 1981 x 44 mm White Primed 4 Panel Canterbury Fire Door This white primed Canterbury FD30 fire door is a solid core door that measures 838 mm wide x 1981 mm high x 44 millimetre thick. This classic stile and rail design with 4 raised and fielded panels...

Our Price: £294.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 66627
33 x 78 Canterbury White Primed 6-Light Glazed Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm 6-Light White Primed Canterbury Door This clear glazed 6-light white primed Canterbury door measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a nicely proportioned classic six-light design with slender glazing bars, raised...

Our Price: £225.60 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62755
33 x 78 Dordogne White Primed Clear Glazed Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed Dordogne Glazed Door This clear glazed white primed Dordogne door measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This classic T&G effect vertical 5-panel design is the glazed version of the original classic Dordogne ...

Our Price: £192.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61195
33 x 78 Downham White Primed Clear Bevelled Glass Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Downham Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Downham door, is a best-selling door, featuring a traditional 9-light design with slender glazing bars and Ovolo beading, that delicately frames your view, and provid...

Our Price: £228.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62729
33 x 78 Inch Malton White Primed Decorative Obscure ABE Leaded Glass Door 838 x 1981mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Malton Decorative Glass White Primed Door.
This Malton white primed door measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a traditional classic design, with a 2-lite glazing configuration and traditional Ovolo ...

Our Price: £312.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 71026
33 x 78 Inch Malton White Primed Unglazed Door 838 x 1981mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Malton Unglazed White Primed Door.
This Malton white primed door measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. Featuring a traditional classic design, with a 2-lite glazing configuration and traditional Ovolo glazing ...

Our Price: £168.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 71027
33 x 78 Kent 2-Panel White Primed Solid Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Kent 2-Panel Door This white primed Kent door is a solid core door that measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetre thick. This traditional 2-panel stile and rail design features a large swept head top panel over a smaller rectangula...

Our Price: £187.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62759
33 x 78 Kent Whit Primed 6-Light Clear Bevelled Glass Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Kent Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Kent door, is a traditional stile & rail six light design, with slender glazing bars, Ovolo beading, and clear bevelled glass that subtly frames your view, providing ple...

Our Price: £220.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 62740
33 x 78 Lincoln White Primed Clear Glazed Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm White Primed Lincoln Door Clear Glass This white primed clear glazed Lincoln door is a timeless classic 3-panel design, featuring two full length thin mullions with decorative Ovolo beading, and measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 milli...

Our Price: £154.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63817
33 x 78 Lincoln White Primed Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Solid White Primed Lincoln Door This white primed Lincoln door is a solid core door that measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This 3-panel door features a full size flat centre panel separated by thin full length mulli...

Our Price: £134.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63828
33 x 78 Lincoln White Primed FD30 Fire Door 838 x 1981 x 44mm
838 x 1981 x 44mm Solid White Primed Lincoln Fire Door This white primed Lincoln FD30 fire door is a solid core door that measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 44 millimetres thick. This 3-panel fire door features a full size flat centre panel separated by th...

Our Price: £220.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70815
33 x 78 Manhattan White Primed Clear Bevelled Glass Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Manhattan Clear Bevelled Glass Door This white primed clear bevelled glass Manhattan door, is an ever popular door, featuring a traditional 9-light design with slender glazing bars and traditional Ovolo beading, that delicately frames your...

Our Price: £252.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 70989
33 x 78 Pattern 10 Shaker White Primed Door 838 x 1981 x 35mm
838 x 1981 x 35mm Solid White Primed Pattern 10 Shaker Door This white primed Pattern 10 door is a solid core door measures 838mm wide x 1981mm high x 35 millimetres thick. This Shaker design 1 panel door features a large flat centre panel with traditional ...

Our Price: £108.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 63843
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