LPD Sterling External Hardwood Doors

LPD Sterling External Hardwood Doors

    Showroom at King Edward Close Worthing
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 LPD Sterling External Hardwood Doors

LPD Sterling Hardwood External Doors

The collection of Sterling Hardwood doors from LPD are comprehensive range of robust mortice & tenon and dowelled Hardwood doors that offer a cost effective solution for any external remodelling project.

LPD Sterling Hardwood doors are perfect for those working to a budget. but unwilling to compromise on quality or durability.

With a broad choice of designs across a wide range of sizes the Sterling Hardwood doors collection offers a style and design for many domestic and commercial applications.
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30 x 78 1-Light MT Stable Door Clear Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Sterling Hardwood Stable Door Clear Glazed.
This exterior 1-lite Sterling Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head for ...

Our Price: £242.35 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61704
30 x 78 1-Light MT Stable Door Obscure Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Sterling Hardwood Stable Door Obscure Glazed.
This exterior 1-lite Sterling Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head fo...

Our Price: £390.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61703
30 x 78 1-Light MT Stable Door Unglazed
762 x 1981 mm Sterling Hardwood Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 1-lite Sterling Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head for a so...

Our Price: £223.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61514
30 x 78 1-Light Stable Door Clear Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Barnburgh Hardwood Stable Door Clear Glazed.
This exterior 1-lite Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head fo...

Our Price: £342.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 65974
30 x 78 1-Light Stable Door Obscure Glass
762 x 1981 mm Barnburgh Hardwood Stable Door Obscure Glazed.
This exterior obscure glazed 1-lite Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an a...

Our Price: £366.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 65977
30 x 78 1-Light Stable Door Unglazed
762 x 1981 mm Barnburgh Hardwood Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 1 lite Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head for a ...

Our Price: £206.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 65971
30 x 78 1-Light Straight Top Stable Door Clear Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Straight Top Hardwood Stable Door Clear Glass.
This exterior 1-lite Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a straight top head for a tra...

Our Price: £372.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 69865
30 x 78 1-Light Straight Top Stable Door Obscure Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Straight Top Hardwood Stable Door Obscure Glass.
This exterior 1-lite Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a straight top head for a t...

Our Price: £390.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 69866
30 x 78 1-Light Straight Top Stable Door Unglazed
762 x 1981 mm Straight Top Hardwood Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 1-lite Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a straight top head for a tradit...

Our Price: £223.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 69864
30 x 78 2P-2XG Hardwood Door Clear Glazed
2'6" 6'6" 2-Panel 2XG Hardwood Door Clear Glass 762mm x 1981mm 2-panel 2XG door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered timber components for strength and stability, with a glued and dowelled construction that allows for maximum trim-...

Our Price: £400.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61844
30 x 78 2P-2XG Hardwood Door Obscure Glazed
2'6" 6'6" 2-Panel 2XG Hardwood Door Obscure Glass 762mm x 1981mm 2-panel 2XG door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered timber components for strength and stability, with a glued and dowelled construction that allows for maximum tri...

Our Price: £420.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61843
30 x 78 2P-2XG Hardwood Door Unglazed
2'6" 6'6" 2-Panel 2XG Unglazed Hardwood Door 762mm x 1981mm 2-panel 2XG door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered timber components for strength and stability, with a glued and dowelled construction that allows for maximum trim-abi...

Our Price: £180.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61821
30 x 78 2XG2P MT Hardwood Door Clear Glass 762 x 1981
762 x 1981mm 2XG-2P Clear Glazed M&T Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XG 2-panel clear glazed mortice & tenon hardwood door is 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 44mm thick. Featuring 2 traditional raised and fielded bottom panels, with a generously proport...

Our Price: £280.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61857
30 x 78 2XG2P MT Hardwood Door Unglazed 762 x 1981
762 x 1981mm 2XG-2P Unglazed M&T Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XG 2-panel unglazed mortice & tenon hardwood door is 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 44mm thick. Featuring 2 traditional raised and fielded bottom panels, with a generously proportioned 1 ...

Our Price: £196.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61824
30 x 78 2XGG MT Clear Glazed Door 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm 2XGG Clear Glazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XGG clear glazed hardwood door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a timeless classic door design with clear glass that admits an abundance of natural light with tradit...

Our Price: £382.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61860
30 x 78 2XGG MT Obscure Glazed Door 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm 2XGG Obscure Glazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XGG obscure glazed hardwood door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a timeless classic door design with traditional Ovolo beading and glazed with your choice of obsc...

Our Price: £400.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61859
30 x 78 2XGG MT Unglazed Door 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm 2XGG Unglazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XGG unglazed hardwood door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a timeless classic door design that admits an abundance of natural light with traditional Ovolo beading. This...

Our Price: £156.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61815
30 x 78 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Clear Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Barnburgh 9-Lite Stable Door Clear Glazed.
This exterior 9-lite clear glazed Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swept he...

Our Price: £540.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61737
30 x 78 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Obscure Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Barnburgh 9-Lite Stable Door Obscure Glazed.
This exterior 9-lite obscure glazed Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swep...

Our Price: £607.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61738
30 x 78 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Unglazed
762 x 1981 mm Barnburgh 9-Lite Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 9-lite Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swept head for an ornate ...

Our Price: £196.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61508
30 x 78 Clear Glazed Carolina 4 Panel Door
762mm x 1981mm 4 Panel Carolina Door Clear Glass This hardwood external 4 panel Carolina door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic sunburst semicircular glazing panels fitted with clear double glazing above four raised and field...

Our Price: £482.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61617
30 x 78 Clear Glazed Carolina 6 Panel Door
762mm x 1981mm 6 Panel Carolina Door Clear Glass This hardwood external 6 panel Carolina door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic sunburst semicircular glazing panels fitted with clear double glazing above six raised and fielde...

Our Price: £318.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61614
30 x 78 Clear Glazed Elizabethan Door 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm Elizabethan Clear Glazed Door.
This exterior Elizabethan clear glazed door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Elizabethan panel design with decorative raised and fielded panels and mullions with tradition...

Our Price: £334.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 68049
30 x 78 Clear Glazed SA Door
2'6" 6'6" SA Clear Glazed Door 30" x 78" SA clear glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability with a glued and dowelled construction. This SA pattern door is a popular pre-glazed 15-light d...

Our Price: £660.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61885
30 x 78 Clear Glazed York Door
2'6" 6'6" York Clear Glazed Door 30" x 78" York clear glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance with a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction. This York door features ...

Our Price: £219.95 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61671
30 x 78 Colonial Hardwood Door
762mm x 1981mm 6-Panel Hardwood Door This 6 panel external hardwood door from our premium hardwood door collection is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick exterior door, featuring a traditional 6-panel stile and rail design with raised and fielded panels a...

Our Price: £189.60 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61484
30 x 78 Colonial Hardwood Door
2'6" 6'6" Colonial 6-Panel Door 30" x 78" Colonial M&T door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood, manufactured using a sturdy mortice and tenon construction with a raised and fielded 6-panel design. This Colonial door is supplied unfinished t...

Our Price: £206.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61483
30 x 78 Elizabethan Door Unglazed 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm Elizabethan Unglazed Door.
This exterior Elizabethan unglazed door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Elizabethan panel design with decorative raised and fielded panels and mullions with traditional Ovolo...

Our Price: £198.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 68048
30 x 78 External 4 Panel Hardwood Door
2'6" x 6'6" Four Panel Exterior M&T Door This 762mm x 1981mm x 44mm four panel external hardwood door, constructed with a sturdy mortice and tenon construction for maximum security, features raised and fielded panels with ovolo moulded beading for an authe...

Our Price: £194.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61475
30 x 78 Georgian Clear Glazed Door 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm Georgian Clear Glazed Door.
This exterior Georgian clear glazed door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Georgian 9-lite design with a swept head for a softer classic look with traditional Ovolo beading. T...

Our Price: £648.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61771
30 x 78 Georgian Door Unglazed 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm Georgian Unglazed Door.
This exterior Georgian unglazed door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Georgian 9-lite design with a swept head for a softer classic look with traditional Ovolo beading. The glazi...

Our Price: £174.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61493
30 x 78 Georgian Obscure Glazed Door 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm Georgian Obscure Glazed Door.
This exterior Georgian obscure glazed door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Georgian 9-lite design with a swept head for a softer classic look with traditional Ovolo beadin...

Our Price: £708.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61772
30 x 78 Malton Hardwood Door Clear Glazed 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm Malton Clear Glazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior Malton clear glazed hardwood door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a traditional 2-lite 4-panel design, with raised and fielded solid bottom panels and generously p...

Our Price: £334.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61711
30 x 78 Malton Hardwood Door Obscure Glass 762 x 1981
762 x 1981 mm Malton Obscure Glazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior Malton obscure glazed hardwood door is 762mm wide x 1981mm high x 44mm thick. Featuring a traditional 2-light 4-panel design, with raised and fielded solid bottom panels and generou...

Our Price: £348.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61712
30 x 78 Malton Hardwood Door Unglazed 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm Malton Unglazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior Malton unglazed hardwood door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a traditional 2-lite 4-panel design, with raised and fielded solid bottom panels and generously proportio...

Our Price: £158.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61505
30 x 78 MT 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Clear Glass
762 x 1981 mm Sterling 9-Lite M&T Stable Door Clear Glazed.
This exterior 9-lite clear glazed Sterling Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swept ...

Our Price: £412.60 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61729
30 x 78 MT 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Obscure Glass
762 x 1981 mm Sterling 9-Lite M&T Stable Door Obscure Glazed.
This exterior 9-lite obscure glazed Sterling Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a sw...

Our Price: £630.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61730
30 x 78 MT 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Unglazed
762 x 1981 mm Sterling 9-Lite M&T Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 9-lite Sterling Hardwood stable door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swept head for an ornat...

Our Price: £214.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61511
30 x 78 MT Clear Glazed Windsor Door
2'6" 6'6" M&T Clear Glazed Windsor Door 30" x 78" Windsor clear glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance, and a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction featuring a p...

Our Price: £604.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61880
30 x 78 MT Obscure Glazed Windsor Door
2'6" 6'6" M&T Obscure Glazed Windsor Door 30" x 78" Windsor obscure glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance, and a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction featuring...

Our Price: £652.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61879
30 x 78 Obscure Glazed Balham Door
762mm x 1981mm Obscure Glazed Balham Door This exterior obscure glazed Balam door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring horizontal panelling for a strong bold contemporary look, and factory fitted with obscure frosted double glazing with the...

Our Price: £360.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 68998
30 x 78 Obscure Glazed Carolina 4 Panel Door
762mm x 1981mm Carolina Door Obscure Glass This hardwood external 4-panel Carolina door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic sunburst semicircular glazing panels, fitted with obscure double glazing above four raised and fielded ...

Our Price: £360.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61616
30 x 78 Obscure Glazed Carolina 6 Panel Door
762mm x 1981mm 6 Panel Carolina Door Obscure Glass This hardwood external 6 panel Carolina door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic sunburst semicircular glazing panels fitted with obscure double glazing above six raised and fi...

Our Price: £339.60 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61615
30 x 78 Obscure Glazed Elizabethan Door 762 x 1981
762 × 1981 mm Elizabethan Obscure Glazed Door.
This exterior Elizabethan obscure glazed door is 762mm wide × 1981mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Elizabethan panel design with decorative raised and fielded panels and mullions with tradi...

Our Price: £342.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 68050
30 x 78 Obscure Glazed SA Door
2'6" 6'6" Obscure Glazed SA Door 30" x 78" SA obscure glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability with a glued and dowelled construction. This SA pattern door is a popular pre-glazed 15-lig...

Our Price: £1,080.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61886
30 x 78 Obscure Glazed York Door
2'6" 6'6" York Obscure Glazed Door 30" x 78" York obscure glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance with a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction. This York door featu...

Our Price: £239.99 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61672
30 x 78 SA Unglazed Door
2'6" 6'6" SA Hardwood Unglazed Door 30" x 78" SA unglazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability with a glued and dowelled construction. This SA pattern door is a popular 15-light design that...

Our Price: £146.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61803
30 x 78 Unglazed Carolina 4 Panel Door
762mm x 1981mm 4 Panel Carolina Door Unglazed This hardwood external 4 panel Carolina door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic sunburst semicircular glazing apertures above four raised and fielded panels with traditional ovolo ...

Our Price: £180.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 64555
30 x 78 Unglazed Carolina 6 Panel Door
762mm x 1981mm 6 Panel Carolina Door Unglazed This hardwood external 6 panel Carolina door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic sunburst semicircular glazing apertures above six raised and fielded panels with traditional ovolo b...

Our Price: £163.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61518
30 x 78 Warwick Hardwood Door Clear Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Clear Glazed M&T Hardwood Warwick Door This clear glazed M&T hardwood Warwick door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring 2 raised and fielded bottom panels with Ovolo beading with a traditional 9-lite clear glazed design with s...

Our Price: £624.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61688
30 x 78 Warwick Hardwood Door Obscure Glazed
762 x 1981 mm Obscure Glazed M&T Hardwood Warwick Door This obscure glazed M&T hardwood Warwick door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring 2 raised and fielded bottom panels with Ovolo beading with a traditional 9-lite obscure glazed design ...

Our Price: £646.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61687
30 x 78 Warwick Hardwood Door Unglazed
762 x 1981 mm Unglazed M&T Hardwood Warwick Door This unglazed M&T hardwood Warwick door is 762mm wide by 1981mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring 2 raised and fielded bottom panels with Ovolo beading with a traditional 9-lite design with slender glazing bars w...

Our Price: £180.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61526
30 x 78 Windsor MT Unglazed Door
2'6" 6'6" M&T Unglazed Windsor Hardwood Door 30" x 78" Windsor unglazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance, and a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction featuring a ...

Our Price: £180.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61812
30 x 78 York Unglazed Door
2'6" 6'6" Unglazed M&T York Door 30" x 78" York unglazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance with a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction. This York door features ...

Our Price: £169.99 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61533
32 x 80 1-Light MT Stable Door Clear Glazed
813 x 2032 mm Sterling Hardwood Stable Door Clear Glazed.
This exterior 1-lite Sterling Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head for ...

Our Price: £242.35 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61705
32 x 80 1-Light MT Stable Door Obscure Glazed
813 x 2032 mm Sterling Hardwood Stable Door Obscure Glazed.
This exterior 1-lite Sterling Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head fo...

Our Price: £390.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61706
32 x 80 1-Light MT Stable Door Unglazed
813 x 2032 mm Sterling Hardwood Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 1-lite Sterling Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head for a so...

Our Price: £223.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61513
32 x 80 1-Light Stable Door Clear Glazed
813 x 2032 mm Barnburgh Hardwood Stable Door Clear Glazed.
This exterior 1-lite Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head fo...

Our Price: £342.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 65975
32 x 80 1-Light Stable Door Obscure Glass
813 x 2032 mm Barnburgh Hardwood Stable Door Obscure Glazed.
This exterior obscure glazed 1-lite Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an a...

Our Price: £366.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 69868
32 x 80 1-Light Stable Door Unglazed
813 x 2032 mm Barnburgh Hardwood Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 1 lite Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and an arched top head for a ...

Our Price: £206.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 65972
32 x 80 1-Light Straight Top Stable Door Clear Glazed
813 x 2032 mm Straight Top Hardwood Stable Door Clear Glass.
This exterior 1-lite Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a straight top head for a tra...

Our Price: £372.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 69869
32 x 80 1-Light Straight Top Stable Door Obscure Glazed
813 x 2032 mm Straight Top Hardwood Stable Door Obscure Glass.
This exterior 1-lite Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a straight top head for a t...

Our Price: £390.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 69871
32 x 80 1-Light Straight Top Stable Door Unglazed
813 x 2032 mm Straight Top Hardwood Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 1-lite Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a straight top head for a tradit...

Our Price: £223.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 69873
32 x 80 2P-2XG Hardwood Door Clear Glazed
2'8" 6'8" 2-Panel 2XG Hardwood Door Clear Glass 813mm x 2032mm 2-panel 2XG door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered timber components for strength and stability, with a glued and dowelled construction that allows for maximum trim-...

Our Price: £400.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61841
32 x 80 2P-2XG Hardwood Door Obscure Glazed
2'8" 6'8" 2-Panel 2XG Hardwood Door Obscure Glass 813mm x 2032mm 2-panel 2XG door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered timber components for strength and stability, with a glued and dowelled construction that allows for maximum tri...

Our Price: £420.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61842
32 x 80 2P-2XG Hardwood Door Unglazed
2'8" 6'8" 2-Panel 2XG Unglazed Hardwood Door 813mm x 2032mm 2-panel 2XG door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered timber components for strength and stability, with a glued and dowelled construction that allows for maximum trim-abi...

Our Price: £180.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61822
32 x 80 2XG2P MT Hardwood Door Clear Glass 813 x 2032
813 x 2032mm 2XG-2P Clear Glazed M&T Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XG 2-panel clear glazed mortice & tenon hardwood door is 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 44mm thick. Featuring 2 traditional raised and fielded bottom panels, with a generously proport...

Our Price: £280.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61856
32 x 80 2XG2P MT Hardwood Door Unglazed 813 x 2032
813 x 2032mm 2XG-2P Unglazed M&T Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XG 2-panel unglazed mortice & tenon hardwood door is 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 44mm thick. Featuring 2 traditional raised and fielded bottom panels, with a generously proportioned 1 ...

Our Price: £196.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61823
32 x 80 2XGG MT Clear Glazed Door 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm 2XGG Clear Glazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XGG clear glazed hardwood door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a timeless classic door design with clear glass that admits an abundance of natural light with tradit...

Our Price: £382.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61861
32 x 80 2XGG MT Obscure Glazed Door 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm 2XGG Obscure Glazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XGG obscure glazed hardwood door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a timeless classic door design with traditional Ovolo beading and glazed with your choice of obsc...

Our Price: £400.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61862
32 x 80 2XGG MT Unglazed Door 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm 2XGG Unglazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior 2XGG unglazed hardwood door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a timeless classic door design that admits an abundance of natural light with traditional Ovolo beading. This...

Our Price: £156.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61816
32 x 80 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Clear Glazed
813 x 2032 mm Barnburgh 9-Lite Stable Door Clear Glazed.
This exterior 9-lite clear glazed Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swept he...

Our Price: £540.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61740
32 x 80 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Obscure Glazed
813 x 2032 mm Barnburgh 9-Lite Stable Door Obscure Glazed.
This exterior 9-lite obscure glazed Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swep...

Our Price: £607.20 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61739
32 x 80 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Unglazed
813 x 2032 mm Barnburgh 9-Lite Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 9-lite Barnburgh Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swept head for an ornate ...

Our Price: £196.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61507
32 x 80 Alicante MT Hardwood Door Clear Glass
2'8" x 6'8" M&T Clear Glazed Alicante Hardwood Door This 813mm x 2032mm Alicante clear glazed door is manufactured from the finest quality Meranti hardwood with engineered timber components for superior performance and stability, and the favoured morti...

Our Price: £396.98 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 67168
32 x 80 Alicante MT Hardwood Door Obscure Glass
2'8" x 6'8" M&T Obscure Glazed Alicante Hardwood Door This 813mm x 2032mm Alicante obscure glazed door is manufactured from the finest quality Meranti hardwood with engineered timber components for superior performance and stability, and the favoured m...

Our Price: £453.98 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 67172
32 x 80 Alicante MT Hardwood Door Unglazed
2'8" x 6'8" M&T Unglazed Alicante Hardwood Door This 813mm x 2032mm Alicante hardwood door is manufactured from the finest quality Meranti hardwood with engineered timber components for superior performance and stability, and the favoured mortice and t...

Our Price: £125.79 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 13966
32 x 80 Clear Glazed Carolina 4 Panel Door
813mm x 2032mm 4 Panel Carolina Door Clear Glass This hardwood external 4 panel Carolina door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic sunburst semicircular glazing panels fitted with clear double glazing above four raised and field...

Our Price: £340.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61618
32 x 80 Clear Glazed Carolina 6 Panel Door
813mm x 2032mm 6 Panel Carolina Door Clear Glass This hardwood external 6 panel Carolina door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic sunburst semicircular glazing panels fitted with clear double glazing above six raised and fielde...

Our Price: £318.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61613
32 x 80 Clear Glazed Elizabethan Door 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm Elizabethan Clear Glazed Door.
This exterior Elizabethan clear glazed door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Elizabethan panel design with decorative raised and fielded panels and mullions with tradition...

Our Price: £334.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61780
32 x 80 Clear Glazed SA Door
2'8" 6'8" SA Clear Glazed Door 32" x 80" SA clear glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability with a glued and dowelled construction. This SA pattern door is a popular pre-glazed 15-light d...

Our Price: £660.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61884
32 x 80 Clear Glazed York Door
2'8" 6'8" York Clear Glazed Door 32" x 80" York clear glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance with a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction. This York door features ...

Our Price: £219.95 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61670
32 x 80 Colonial Hardwood Door
2'8" 6'8" Colonial 6-Panel Door 32" x 80" Colonial M&T door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood, manufactured using a sturdy mortice and tenon construction with a raised and fielded 6-panel design. This Colonial door is supplied unfinished to...

Our Price: £206.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61482
32 x 80 Elizabethan Door Unglazed 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm Elizabethan Unglazed Door.
This exterior Elizabethan unglazed door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Elizabethan panel design with decorative raised and fielded panels and mullions with traditional Ovolo...

Our Price: £198.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 4631
32 x 80 External 4 Panel Hardwood Door
2'8" x 6'8" Four Panel Exterior M&T Door This 813mm x 2032mm x 44mm four panel external hardwood door, constructed with a sturdy mortice and tenon construction for maximum security, features raised and fielded panels with ovolo moulded beading for an authe...

Our Price: £194.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61474
32 x 80 Georgian Clear Glazed Door 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm Georgian Clear Glazed Door.
This exterior Georgian clear glazed door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Georgian 9-lite design with a swept head for a softer classic look with traditional Ovolo beading. T...

Our Price: £648.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61770
32 x 80 Georgian Door Unglazed 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm Georgian Unglazed Door.
This exterior Georgian unglazed door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Georgian 9-lite design with a swept head for a softer classic look with traditional Ovolo beading. The glazi...

Our Price: £174.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61492
32 x 80 Georgian Obscure Glazed Door 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm Georgian Obscure Glazed Door.
This exterior Georgian obscure glazed door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring the iconic Georgian 9-lite design with a swept head for a softer classic look with traditional Ovolo beadin...

Our Price: £708.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61769
32 x 80 Malton Hardwood Door Clear Glazed 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm Malton Clear Glazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior Malton clear glazed hardwood door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a traditional 2-lite 4-panel design, with raised and fielded solid bottom panels and generously p...

Our Price: £334.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61710
32 x 80 Malton Hardwood Door Obscure Glass 813 x 2032
813 x 2032 mm Malton Obscure Glazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior Malton obscure glazed hardwood door is 813mm wide x 2032mm high x 44mm thick. Featuring a traditional 2-lite 4-panel design, with raised and fielded solid bottom panels and generous...

Our Price: £357.60 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61709
32 x 80 Malton Hardwood Door Unglazed 813 x 2032
813 × 2032 mm Malton Unglazed Hardwood Door.
This exterior Malton unglazed hardwood door is 813mm wide × 2032mm high × 44mm thick. Featuring a traditional 2-lite 4-panel design, with raised and fielded solid bottom panels and generously proportio...

Our Price: £158.40 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61506
32 x 80 MT 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Clear Glass
813 x 2032 mm Sterling 9-Lite M&T Stable Door Clear Glazed.
This exterior 9-lite clear glazed Sterling Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swept ...

Our Price: £412.60 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61732
32 x 80 MT 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Obscure Glass
813 x 2032 mm Sterling 9-Lite M&T Stable Door Obscure Glazed.
This exterior 9-lite obscure glazed Sterling Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a sw...

Our Price: £630.00 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61731
32 x 80 MT 9-Light Swept Head Stable Door Unglazed
813 x 2032 mm Sterling 9-Lite M&T Stable Door Unglazed.
This exterior 9-lite Sterling Hardwood stable door is 813mm wide by 2032mm high by 44mm thick. Featuring inset V-groove panelling with traditional Ovolo beading and a swept head for an ornat...

Our Price: £214.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61512
32 x 80 MT Clear Glazed Windsor Door
2'8" 6'8" M&T Clear Glazed Windsor Door 32" x 80" Windsor clear glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance, and a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction featuring a p...

Our Price: £604.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61881
32 x 80 MT Obscure Glazed Windsor Door
2'8" 6'8" M&T Obscure Glazed Windsor Door 32" x 80" Windsor obscure glazed door is manufactured from premium quality Hardwood with engineered components for greater stability and performance, and a sturdy wedged mortice and tenon construction featuring...

Our Price: £652.80 inc. VAT
Quick Ref No. 61882
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